Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Want It Wednesday, Pearl Izumi P.R.O. Softshell Bibtights

These are my Escalation tights.
These are the P.R.O. tights I'm looking at.
I know what you're thinking, why is he thinking about Winter tights when the cold weather is almost over? Well, this is the best time to start looking, because they go on sale. I have always bought my cycling clothes off season and have saved big bucks in doing that. My two pair of PI Escalation tights are on their last leg, being repaired multiple times,free, by PI, so nows the time to look. Wish me luck! Don't forget to check out Jez Andrews Want It Wednesday here.


Jez Andrews said...

Good luck!! Can't go wrong with Pearl Izumi stuff in my mind. Got to say having just bought some tights that don't have zips up the calves. They are a right pain to put on and off (much standing, hopping, falling over,curing!)

Paul said...

Jez, I was wondering about not having the zippers up the calves. I may have to rethink my choice.Thanks for the advice.

Jez Andrews said...

On a positive note though at least you won't have zips that fail like on my last pair!