Monday, July 6, 2009

My First Dog Bite Riding

This is what it looks like after I got home and cleaned it up.
This is right after I got bit.

The house that the dog lives at.

With all the dogs I've had chase me, I'm not surprised I finally got my first bite. He was a sneaky brown Lab that was staying in his yard running along with me. I made it past his yard and he stopped barking, so I continued on up the hill. Two or three pedal revolutions later and I feel the bite on my left calf. He came out into the street and didn't utter a sound as he chomped down on me. Boy, was I surprised. I filed a police report and I'm waiting to hear from the dog officer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mace in case, you still never suspect they actually will. Used to carry beef jerky strips on certain rides to use as if countermeasures. Test for rabies. Major problem with some SE MA towns is lax dog control. Sorry to hear; heal well. Join our Wednesday night group ride to confuse attackers. Only about 1/3 of attacks result in compensation nationally.