Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mystic Arrowing 15 Loop

John and I spent Monday and Tuesday arrowing the clubs Mystic Metric ride. We had to put up with rain,fog and wet roads most of the time. We did manage to get it done though.
Mystic Arrowing 15 Loop by paulmnbw at Garmin Connect - Details

Brandeis Graduate

Check out Tiffany's custom cap.

This was so much nicer being in a smaller room.

Four years of hard work equal this.

A proud mom with her daughter.

Two video screens were needed at the main ceremony, so we could all see.

Tiffany graduated Sunday and we all are sooo proud of her. This was the first time I have been to a college graduation where they broke up the graduates into smaller groups during the day to receive their diplomas. Then they had one mass ceremony later in the day. I loved it that way, it was nice to be in a smaller room to see Tiffany get her diploma.