John and I must have been out of our minds trying to do this ride in mid 90 degree temps with high humidity. John rode to the start to meet me so he already had almost 20 miles on when we started. It was so humid out, that water droplets were falling off my mirror mounted on my helmet as we rode. We were soaked in moisture in no time and I was planning on doing the full century while John was going to split off on RT 49 and head home. The ride was very scenic and the new roads we used to bypass Foxwoods were excellent. After our last stop together in Pachaug on Rt 138 we both decided it was time to bail out on the ride. The last couple of hills did us in and we were spent. So we headed back on RT 138 until we came to the RT 49 split and took one last break together. While we were sitting on the sidewalk in shade I commented to John how crazy we are for even thinking to attempt this ride and we both cracked up laughing. We said our goodbyes and each of us took a different route back. I ended up with 80 miles for the day.